This is Cross Examination


Lesson Purpose: To set forth the genesis of cross examination in our legal system and its purposes as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court. In addition, we will present the science and techniques utilized in the preparation and delivery of cross examination.

Training Objectives: At the end of this block of instruction, the student will be able to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Articulate the objective behind cross examination and where it originates in our system of justice.
  2. Recognize the methods used in cross examination and differentiate them through question-andanswer transcript scenarios.
  3. Using a variety of simulations, successfully distinguish directive leading questions from direct examination questions.
  4. Analyze and compare methods of cross examination through simulations and case study scenarios.

Hours: 50 Minutes

Instructional Method: Lecture/Scenario based questions.

Materials Required: Pen/Pencil, Student Handout, Student Lesson Plan

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