Introduction to Impeachment – Primary Attorney Strategies and Tactic


Lesson Purpose: To present the primary strategies and tactics utilized by defense attorneys during cross examination to present their theory of the case through impeachment of the witness.

Training Objectives: At the end of this block of instruction, the student
will be able to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Become acquainted with the strategies used for
    impeachment during cross examination and
    recognize the tactic used to implement those
    strategies when they arise.
  2. Understand how a defense attorney prepares
    their cross examination with certain strategies in
    mind and utilizes those which further their theory
    of the case.
  3. Grasp the significance and impact their
    professional and personal background,
    experiences, attitudes and relationships have
    upon their cross-examination experience.

Hours: 90 Minutes

Instructional Method: Lecture/Scenario based questions.
Materials Required: Pen/Pencil, Student Handout, Student Lesson Plan

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