Cross Examination Tactics

Report Writing

This course is different from all other report writing courses, because it is taught from a defense attorney’s perspective. As a result, you will learn how to lay a firm foundation for your testimony under cross examination and effectively communicate your story.

This is Your Brain on Cross Examination

This course explores the chemical reaction that takes place in your brain when you are confronted with directive leading questions. Learning to understand and recognize when this is happening will help you keep your emotions and stress levels in check.

Impeachment Strategies and Tactics

This course pulls back the curtain to reveal the strategies and tactics defense attorneys use to impeach witnesses during cross examination. You will learn not only how they do it, but why they do it. Finally, you will be able to recognize it when it is happening to you and learn how to respond.

Effective Communication in a Courtroom

If you’ve never testified in court, or are a seasoned veteran, this course will teach you something new. From being served with a subpoena to effectively telling your side of the story on the witness stand, you will learn the process of being a witness. Rae also shares defense attorney insights and tips to prepare you to be an effective communicator and keep you focused on your story.

This is Cross Examination

Every attorney has their own style of cross examination, but in this course you will learn the primary techniques and science behind the manner in which most good defense attorneys conduct cross examination. You will also learn where cross examination comes from in our system of justice and why it is utilized.

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