Ice-T Focus Areas

Strategies & Tips to combat agressive defense attorney tactics

There may be no other area in law enforcement about which officers worry more, and do less than courtroom testimony, particularly cross examination.

Anxiety and fear of the unknown or misconstrued, can get in the way of many things in life.

I created Inside Cross Examination Tactics to help you devote a piece of your professional life and training to improving how you think about, prepare for and WIN under cross examination.

I. This is Cross Examination

This course sets forth the genesis and purpose of cross examination as
interpreted by the United States Supreme Court. In addition, you will peak
behind the curtain and learn the methods utilized by defense attorneys in
their preparation and delivery of cross examination.

II. This is Your Brain on Cross Examination

In this course you will learn to recognize and understand the chemical
reaction that occurs in the brain while sitting under cross examination and develop a strategy to control its negative affects.

III. Impeachment Strategies & Tactics

In this course you will learn the primary strategies and tactics defense
attorneys use to present their theory of the case through witness
impeachment. Information is power which leads to success under cross

IV. Effective Communication in a Courtroom

This course gives you an introduction to testifying in court and outlines a
methodology for communicating your story of the case during direct and
cross examination.

VI. Report Writing

This course is different than other report writing courses because you will learn how to prepare a well-written, strategic report that gives you a solid foundation for cross examination.

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